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We are the East Sussex Bach Choir. Our aim is to perform a varied repertoire of baroque and renaissance works to a very high standard. We engage professional soloists and high-quality period players to bring experience and excellence to our performances. We follow the practice of ‘historically informed performance’, getting as close as possible to the composer’s original intention. While the choir’s repertoire certainly includes the works of JS Bach and other baroque composers, it is by no means limited to these. 

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2024-2025 Season



The choir's major performance of the  season will be Bach's St Mathew Passion, which will be an exciting joint venture with Kantorei Hochrhein from Waldshut. This concert will be in Lewes Town Hall on Saturday 29th March, following which members of the choir will be travelling to Waldshut for a joint performance in Germany. Tickets for this concert are now available from this website.


In addition, we will be presenting 4 exciting linked events, all of which will be taking place at St Michael's Church, Lewes, starting at 7pm.  Tickets are £15:​


Wednesday 26 February

Bach Cello Suites 1,2 & 3

Sebastian Comberti (cello) introduced by Lord Rowan Williams  

Thursday 27 February

Bach Cello Suites 4, 5 & 6

Sebastian Comberti (cello)

Thursday 6th March

Reflecting on JS Bach & the St Matthew Passion

Talk by Rev Richard Coles

Thursday 13th March

Discussion: Performing the St Matthew Passion

Sir John Tomlinson in discussion with Alison Bury & John Hancorn, chaired by broadcaster & Journalist Richard Wigmore


Education Project

In addition to all our concerts & events, we are working closely with local primary and secondary schools to bring the music of Bach and especially that of the St Matthew Passion to their students. Our collaboration involves directly supporting groups in schools to learn more about Bach and the Passion. We will also welcome these groups and other students from local schools to join rehearsals to learn and appreciate how musicians and singers collaborate to produce a performance of a one of the greatest works in the classical repertoire. We hope that by sharing our expertise in, and love for, this wonderful music, young people may develop real enthusiasm for it and enrich their musical knowledge. 


If you would like to help us raise funds for the wonderful series of concerts & events, please visit our new "Support Us Through Just Giving" Page

Keep in touch with our future plans by looking for details soon on this website.  Why not join our mailing list by contacting us on



Saturday 29th March 2025

5.30pm Lewes Town Hall




East Sussex Bach Choir with  Kantorei Hochrhein Waldshut

Musical Director John Hancorn

The Baroque Collective

(Leader Alison Bury)

Christus: Sir John Tomlinson

Evangelist: Nick Pritchard

Soprano: Sofia Ticciati


Tom Scott-Cowell

Bass; Florian Störtz

Tickets £30, £25, £20 

Accompanied under 16 free

For ticket information please contact:


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